• Fio Vinte - 100% Lã

    O VINTE é o fio 100% lã portuguesa que mais usamos nos nossos cursos de tecelagem e que queremos partilhar com todos. É um fio de cabo único e espessura média, incrivelmente versátil, produzido a partir de lã portuguesa de tipo bordaleiro.

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  • Silk Pongee Fabric 5

    Pongé silk 05 is suitable for use in dyeing and felting.
    In felting, it can be used both in felting with water and soap ( Nuno felting), and in needle felting.

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  • Kromski Fantasia Spinning Wheel

    Fantasia is Kromski's most modern spinning wheel design. In fact, what sets it apart is not so much its design, but rather the way the flyer is incorporated.

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